Arts Wellbeing Collective in August

Health in the Australian arts

CutCommon is a member of the Arts Wellbeing Collective, supporting mental and physical health in our industry.


AWC: Share your thoughts – Tour Management Kit

The collective is currently working on a kit for tour managers and touring companies, focusing on self-care and how to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in cast, crew and support staff when ‘on the road’. If you’d like to support, you can send in your contribution to this resource. Click here to complete the survey. This resource will be produced in partnership with Regional Arts Victoria and Entertainment Assist.


Arts Wellbeing Collective Roadshow

29 to 31 August 2017

The collective is going on the road in August to HorshamBendigoWangaratta and Bairnsdale to present three-hour ‘best of’ workshops, where each event will incorporate key modules from the full workshop series. Attendance is free, and everyone is welcome.


CutCommon mental health: The Millennium Musicians’ Quarter-Life Crisis

Did you catch composer Joseph Asquith’s story on the frustrations felt by those facing the turning point of early to mid-career music? Read his insightful blog, which offers inspiration for young artists who have reached a similar place. Share your own story:


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