LIVE REVIEW // Alison goes to see K Mak and Xani

double launch



K Mak + Xani Double Release
Kathryn Mckee featuring Xani Kolac
Spring Hill Reservoirs, 19 August 


Upon entering the unassuming Spring Hill Reservoirs, the dimly lit space was buzzing with casual conversation. The venue was the perfect choice for this double launch, catering to the aesthetics and soundscapes created by Melbourne violinist Xani Kolac and cellist Kathryn McKee (or K Mak, as she’s also known). The cavernous walls added a layer of ambience to each piece performed, and helped to create a beautifully peaceful yet esoteric atmosphere.

Xani opened the night with Red Violet Lake, a work featuring loop pedal to create a wall of sound that resounded though the reservoir. Much like this work, the following pieces were all named after a colour, which was reflected in the lighting choices. The only exception to this was Xani’s ballad I Know What To Do, which broke the series of intense solo violin works to a much softer and sweeter tone.

Kathryn opened with her single Waiting Song, an upbeat and catchy tune featuring Eugenie Costello on violin, Eleanor Streatfield on cello, and Sam Mitchell on percussion. Kathryn herself was positioned behind a keyboard in a spectacular dress that covered the entire stage. Unfortunately, while performed with energy and presence, the performance suffered technological difficulties, making the vocal line difficult to hear. But, thankfully, this issue was quickly resolved. You Have all the Time in the World was a notable favourite of mine, with its simple refrain and steady beat seeming to capture the entire audience.

A few further technical difficulties were handled with professionalism and humour, and didn’t hinder the atmosphere or enjoyment of the performance. Despite these hitches, when all technological aspects were working in favour of the performance, the sound engineering was of a high quality and suited the reservoir’s acoustics.

Kathryn’s recently released single Play with Me closed the night with theatrics and intrigue. Dancers Lucia Harkin and Breeanna Muirden joined the performance, re-enacting the actions of the corresponding music video in which the two choreographed and starred. This ended the concert with great impact; with the opera singers, dancers, and full ensemble all contributing to the creation of a wonderfully atmospheric and artistic performance.

WATCH: We premiered Kathryn’s new single Play With Me – have you seen it? Read the interview then watch the clip.

Images supplied. Credit: Peter Douglas McGhie @pdmcghie.